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August 26, 2022

Welcome back from the staff at Naselle-Grays River Valley Schools.  Teachers and staff are returning to with meetings and preparations beginning on Monday, August 29th with the students returning on September 1st.  Click here to read the welcome letter from Principal Justin Laine.

Here are some important dates and times to remember for this upcoming week:


  • Open House:  Tuesday, August 30th 6:00 to 7:00 pm.  Please come and meet your students' teachers.
  • Tdap Boosters:  Tuesday, August 30th 5:30 to 7:00 pm.  The Pacific County Health Department will be here to provide boosters for any students whose Tdap series has expired.
  • First Day of School:  Thursday, September 1.  It's going to be a great year. We are excited to have our students back.

August 10, 2022

The NGRVSD Board of Directors will meet for its monthly meeting on August 23rd instead of August 16th. The meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. in the Commons. The schedule change is due to an anticipated lack of a quorum for the regularly scheduled meeting.

August 06, 2022

            Greetings! The beginning of the 2022-23 school year is rapidly approaching, and we are excited to begin school on Thursday, September 1st. The purpose of this letter is to inform you about this year’s high school registration schedule. As in years past, we are asking that one parent or guardian accompanies their student(s) to an evening registration session to approve their schedule(s). If you have multiple students in the high school, you can register each of them during the same registration session. We have also enclosed a flier that explains how you can update student information and submit our required yearly enrollment forms online. If you are unable to submit forms online from home (or simply need help in doing so), there will be computers and help available during the registration sessions.


On Wednesday, August 10th, and Thursday, August 11th, we will conduct 4 evening registration sessions for high school students in the NHS Commons. At the beginning of each session, we will share about 15 -20 minutes of important, grade-specific information about graduation requirements, college and career planning, and state testing.  After the initial presentation, students will submit their schedules and other enrollment forms. AJ Smith will also conduct athletic registration(s) from 6:00-8:00 pm on these same nights. Please remember that physicals must be updated every 2 years, and that families must also update information through Final Forms each year. Pacific County Health Officials will provide athletic physicals on Friday, August 12th beginning at 9:00 am at the school for $20. Parents will be able to access Final Forms at the school during these evenings. Students and parents can go directly from one registration session to the other. Here is this year’s high school registration schedule:


12th graders:                            Wednesday August 10th                      6:00 pm

11th graders:                            Wednesday, August 10th                                7:00 pm

10th graders:                            Thursday, August 11th                                      6:00 pm

9th graders:                              Thursday, August 11th                         7:00 pm

New high school students:       Friday, August 12th                              8:30 am-2:30 pm

Athletic Physicals:                   Friday, August 12th                              9:00 am


If a student or parent/guardian cannot make the designated registration session, there are some other options:

1) A parent can attend the evening session and register in the student’s place, 2) The student and parent can attend one of the other sessions—understanding that some information will be grade specific, 3) They can come on August 12 during the day, or 4) They can contact Mrs. Hazen or Mr. Laine to make alternate arrangements ( or Feel free to email us ahead of time if you have any other questions about athletic or class registration. If your son/daughter is a Running Start student, he/she should still attend a registration session. Running Start students must meet the same credit and non-credit requirements as other students, and update annual enrollment and athletic forms as well. Thank you!

Click here to download a copy of this letter

July 20, 2022

There will be a surplus sale at the Naselle School Commons on Monday, August 8th from 12-5 pm.  Attached is a list of items that will be available.  These items are on a first come first serve, as-is basis.  

August 8 Surplus

July 20, 2022

The Board of Directors will hold a special meeting on August 1, 2022 at the Middle School Commons to conduct a workshop on Board Goals for the 2022-23 school year. This is a Board work session, but is open to the public. The workshop will begin at 6:30 p.m. The public may call in and join the meeting at (253) 215-8782   ID: 825 1274 2222 Passcode: 000207 or Zoom link

July 14, 2022

Every 10 years following the U.S. Census, school districts are required to redraw the boundaries of their Board of Directors' districts to reflect population shifts.  Districts are required to develop a draft plan and take public comment. NGRVSD will take public comment at the July 19 board meeting. As this time, the District is tentatively planning to leave the boundaries unchanged as the District’s population has only grown by 35 residents since the 2010 Census. However, pending public input, the boundaries could be changed. Please click on the link to view our redistricting materials and other pertinent legal information regarding this process.

Please note: Redistricting of school board director boundaries does NOT affect student school attendance boundaries. Redistricting only affects the status of school board directors.

July 06, 2022

The District has completed the budget for the 2022-23 school year and has copies available in the district office of the budget summary and the four-year budget plan. These will be furnished to any person who requests them. 

The Board of Directors will conduct a public hearing on Tuesday, July 19, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. in the Middle School Commons, Naselle School District, 793 SR 4 Naselle, WA 98638 for the purpose of fixing and adopting the budget for the 2022-23 fiscal year, reviewing the four-year budget plan, and to adopt a budget extension for the Transportation Vehicle Fund for the 2021-22 school year. Any person may appear at the meeting and be heard for or against the budget or any part thereof.


The public may call in and join the meeting at (253) 215-8782  Meeting ID 88987190612    Password: 533055

July 05, 2022

Parents:  If your student needs a sports physical for next year, there will be an opportunity to have the physical on Friday, August 12th beginning @ 9:00 am in the office at Naselle-Grays River Valley Schools   They will be $20 each.  These physicals are for our incoming 6th - 12th graders, and they are good for two years!  

June 03, 2022

As the year winds down and we celebrate the accomplishments of our students, we wanted to inform you that it is possible there may be a quorum of the Board of Directors at certain year-end celebrations. These activities do not constitute a Board meeting, and no activity that would constitute action will take place.  

March 09, 2022

Click here to read about the most recent updates regarding Covid and Masks.  Beginning on March 12 masks are optional. Students, staff and guest will not be required but will be allowed to wear masks.  There are still Covid protocols in place if you test positive or have symptoms.  Please review the letter by clicking the previous link.

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